Atr initated conjure queen
Atr initated conjure queen

atr initated conjure queen

No offense to anyone’s belief system, but there is a “supreme being“ who does not favor no one over the other.

atr initated conjure queen

Since ATRs have become a “thing” now, it’s mandatory that we have this or that to please the “gods” or our lives will be in shambles. Truth be told not all our ancestors came over on slave ships. Not realizing that it maybe from their AA heritage, not African roots that the simple gift of prayer and faith is calling. It was the prayers of our ancestors during the Great Depression that got our families through it. It was some of those backwood prayers that moved the Civil Rights Era for us. We are the prayers manifested as descendants of those who were enslaved and freed. Not realizing our ancestors prayed over our grandparents during slavery using nothing but their faith. But the white man this, the colonizers that. Everybody is reclaiming their African roots. These people are rare in these days because nobody wants to be southern Baptist or Pentecostal no more. Speak out of turn, that’ll be your last time watching them. But you had to be around them to listen and observe. Most are very no non sense humble people as well. Rarely spoke on their gifts and abilities. If you would’ve asked her, she probably would’ve told you to mind your business lol won’t get a chance to reverse something back to her lol. May be an eternal resting scripture for a deceased loved one or a little crossed condition for some who wronged her or a loved one. Them names in that Bible lol guh depending on where it’s written. If they couldn’t help you or spirit didn’t agree, they would refer you out to someone who possibly could or simply tell you nope, no way, no how that’s going to happen. They had stank salves and bitter tonics for just about every sickness or disease lol. They didn’t pay to be initiated in nothing. I humbly believe, these types of people are born with their “gifts”. From sun up to sun down they made it their business to include El Shaddai. They gave The Most High honor and respect in all that they did. They simply believed in what they were saying and doing.


The old folks that knew how to work them scriptures without candles, this and that didn’t have nearly the stuff that is being offered to us today.

Atr initated conjure queen