Also it does not show a quest marker for this quest on the imperial fleet as it should. Clicking on him does not finish the quest. Hell we won the great hunt, we even ( I ) killed that traitor mandalorian that 28 hunter failed and won the so called JACKPOT all others have put before us. I am Lightside and had been hearing that Darkside was bugged. So this has been bothering me a lot lately, most of the quests we do as a BH is for money and great pay, which all the quest givers promise us. Either I missed another quest giver on the Tyrant or it just bugged out for me.
#Swtor bounty hunter tyrant quest speak with mac
Mission says to talk to Mac Moria (gear vendor). Ok so I finished my class quest for Act 3 yesterday and after I finished talking to Darth Tormen he did not send me on to Vaiken Spacedock to continue on to Ilum. The conclusion of your Story launches one final quest to lead you to the planet Ilum for the First Strike mission. Trying to turn in 'Basic Gear: Bounty Hunter'. Epilogue: House Cleaning: Nem'ro's Apology.Epilogue: Settling Accounts: Yalt Reward.Epilogue: ''Settling Accounts: Yalt Bonus".You go to where the information leads you, and kill/capture the mark. Nem'ro the Hutt could be just the sponsor you are looking for. 2.You find out who they want killed, and then have to go talk to underworld types (shady characters) to get info about where the mark likes to hang out. The game just freezes on me and the music. I have to go to the cantina and talk to Vicebaron Heitor, but whenever I click on him to talk, the conversation never loads and I cant move. I try to do one of the first class quests on Alderaan called Spiking the Punch.

You're good with a blaster and not afraid of messy jobs, but if you are going to get off-planet and entered in the Great Hunt, you are gonna need a sponsor with some credits to spare. I have compiled as many guides as I could find about the game in to one ultimate resource list - there are currently 2,803 links in the list of guides, up from 2,463 from last year Ive endeavored to find guides that are up to date or as close as I could find for 2023. Hey guys, I have been having a problem while trying to play my bounty hunter.